The content of these worksheets is based on a data comic that was developed by the Director of the Understanding Inequalities (UI) project, Professor Susan McVie, based at the University of Edinburgh. The worksheets were adapted from the data comic by the UI project Communications and Engagement Officer, Isabella Melking, also based at the University of Edinburgh.
These worksheets have been developed in partnership with the Modern Studies Association and are intended for teachers to use with pupils in class or at home.
They are intended for use by pupils in the Scottish Broad and General Education phase as well as by pupils studying Modern Studies in the senior phase. Their purpose is to introduce students to issues and data relating to changing patterns of crime, victimisation and offending in Scotland and responses to offending by the police and youth justice system. Each worksheet has a set of learning intentions and success criteria that can be used by teachers and pupils to review learning.
The Data Comic
The Data Comic can be accessed by visiting the Understanding Inequalities project website:
It was designed for use by Modern Studies students in the senior phase in Scottish schools. However, it could also be used by those studying crime and justice-related topics in other senior phase school subjects as well as in Further or Higher Education.
The Data Comic and Worksheets were supported by funding from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) through funding awarded to the Understanding Inequalities project (Grant Reference ES/P009301/1) and the Applied Quantitative Methods Network (AQMeN) Research Centre (Grant Reference ES/K006460/1), and funding through the Edinburgh Futures Institute Research Award given to given to University of Edinburgh colleagues Benjamin Bach, Catherine Magill, Ewan Klein and Dave Murray-Rust. The artwork was created by graphic artist Miranda Smith.
The Data Comic and Worksheets include data that were collected by the Edinburgh Study of Youth Transitions and Crime and the Growing Up in Scotland Study. They also feature data on crime published by the Scottish Government. All figures were correct at the time of publication.
The content of these worksheets is based on a data comic that was developed by the Director of the Understanding Inequalities (UI) project, Professor Susan McVie, based at the University of Edinburgh. The worksheets were adapted from the data comic by the UI project Communications and Engagement Officer, Isabella Melking, also based at the University of Edinburgh.
These worksheets have been developed in partnership with the Modern Studies Association and are intended for teachers to use with pupils in class or at home.
They are intended for use by pupils in the Scottish Broad and General Education phase as well as by pupils studying Modern Studies in the senior phase. Their purpose is to introduce students to issues and data relating to changing patterns of crime, victimisation and offending in Scotland and responses to offending by the police and youth justice system. Each worksheet has a set of learning intentions and success criteria that can be used by teachers and pupils to review learning.
The Data Comic
The Data Comic can be accessed by visiting the Understanding Inequalities project website:
Data Comic: How crime has changed in Scotland
It was designed for use by Modern Studies students in the senior phase in Scottish schools. However, it could also be used by those studying crime and justice-related topics in other senior phase school subjects as well as in Further or Higher Education.
The Data Comic and Worksheets were supported by funding from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) through funding awarded to the Understanding Inequalities project (Grant Reference ES/P009301/1) and the Applied Quantitative Methods Network (AQMeN) Research Centre (Grant Reference ES/K006460/1), and funding through the Edinburgh Futures Institute Research Award given to given to University of Edinburgh colleagues Benjamin Bach, Catherine Magill, Ewan Klein and Dave Murray-Rust. The artwork was created by graphic artist Miranda Smith.
The Data Comic and Worksheets include data that were collected by the Edinburgh Study of Youth Transitions and Crime and the Growing Up in Scotland Study. They also feature data on crime published by the Scottish Government. All figures were correct at the time of publication.
For further information about the Data Comic or Worksheets contact Professor Susan McVie at
Applied Quantitative Methods Network (AQMeN) Research Centre
EFI Research Awards
Edinburgh Study of Youth Transitions and Crime website
Growing Up in Scotland study website
Scottish Government | Recorded Crime web archive
Modern Studies Association