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Presentations from The Dynamics of Spatial Inequality: Processes, Outcomes & Solutions

On Friday 29th March we held a symposium to discuss the Dynamics of Spatial Inequality: Processes, Outcomes & Solutions.

This event brought together policy makers, stakeholders and leading researchers from a variety of academic disciplines and policy perspectives to discuss the latest research on whether and how spatial inequalities matter and  the implications for policy innovation. The aim of the symposium was to examine how inequality in housing wealth reinforces intergenerational inequality, and how discrimination in the housing market makes it more difficult for ethnic minorities to access neighbourhoods with the best economic opportunities.

We also heard research which takes a broader view and examines how multiple processes – economic, social and political – intersect to affect the level and nature of spatial inequalities within UK and non-UK contexts. The event concluded with an open discussion aimed at identifying potential interactions between economic, social and political processes that might enable the development of new research and policy agendas aimed at addressing spatial inequality.

The programme and biographies of speakers can be found here

This event took place with the support from the ESRC International Networking grant.

You can now view the presentations that were shared during the symposium. If you have any questions about this work, please contact us via understanding.inequalities@ed.ac.uk

Dynamics of spatial inequality: towards a new vision for spatial policy - Professor Gwilym Pryce, University of Sheffield

Reproduction of social inequality through housing: A three-generational study from Norway - Professor George Galster, Wayne State University

Sorting or Steering: Experimental Evidence on the Economic Effects of Housing Discrimination - Professor Chris Timmins, Duke University Department of Economics

The Growing Link Between Space and Inequality in the US - Professor Patrick Sharkey, New York University

Spatial inequalities – a case study: understanding excess mortality in Glasgow and Scotland - Dr David Walsh, Glasgow Centre for Population Health

Geographic and economic mobility? Labour market conditions and the living arrangements of young adults - Professor Katherine O'Regan, New York University