Further presentations are subject to data restrictions and cannot be made available at this time. Please keep in touch with us via Twitter and our newsletter - where you can sign up via the homepage - for further publications and outputs related to this event.
On 8th November we held an event as part of the ESRC Festival of Social Science - 20 years of devolution: how have inequalities in Glasgow changed?.
Here you can find a number of the presentations that were delivered on the day.
"We'll take the low road": how has Scotland fared in pursuing its vision for inequality? - Professor Gwilym Pryce
Inequalities in exposure to crime at the neighbourhood level: a tale of two cities - Professor Jon Bannister
Understanding the attainment gap: unequal opportunities within education - Professor Cristina Iannelli
Understanding excess poor health in Glasgow - David Walsh, Glasgow Centre for Population Health
How distinctive is Glasgow in patterns of victimisation, violence and imprisonment? - (imprisonment rate slides only) - Dr Ben Matthews and Professor Susan McVie
Further presentations are subject to data restrictions and cannot be made available at this time. Please keep in touch with us via Twitter and our newsletter - where you can sign up via the homepage - for further publications and outputs related to this event.