You can now view the posters that were created exclusively for our recent ESRC Festival of Social Science event - '20 years of devolution: how have inequalities in Glasgow changed?'
Houchin revisited: Punishment & Inequality in Scotland - Dr Ben Matthews
Shifting inequality in the exposure to crime at the neighbourhood level? A tale of two cities - Professor Jon Bannister
Unequal opportunities within education: the gap starts early and continues throughout individual lives - Professor Cristina Iannelli and Dr Adriana Duta
Unequal opportunities within education: the interplay between individuals, families, places and schools - Professor Cristina Iannelli and Dr Adriana Duta
Crime and victimisation in Glasgow - Professor Susan McVie
Patterns of violence in London and Glasgow - Professor Susan McVie
You can also check out the data comic - "We'll take the low road": how has Scotland fared in its vision to lower inequality? that was created by illustrator Miranda Smith in collaboration with Understanding Inequalities researchers Prof Gwilym Pryce and Dr Meng Le Zhang.
You can now view the posters that were created exclusively for our recent ESRC Festival of Social Science event - '20 years of devolution: how have inequalities in Glasgow changed?'
Houchin revisited: Punishment & Inequality in Scotland - Dr Ben Matthews
Shifting inequality in the exposure to crime at the neighbourhood level? A tale of two cities - Professor Jon Bannister
Unequal opportunities within education: the gap starts early and continues throughout individual lives - Professor Cristina Iannelli and Dr Adriana Duta
Unequal opportunities within education: the interplay between individuals, families, places and schools - Professor Cristina Iannelli and Dr Adriana Duta
Crime and victimisation in Glasgow - Professor Susan McVie
Patterns of violence in London and Glasgow - Professor Susan McVie
You can also check out the data comic - "We'll take the low road": how has Scotland fared in its vision to lower inequality? that was created by illustrator Miranda Smith in collaboration with Understanding Inequalities researchers Prof Gwilym Pryce and Dr Meng Le Zhang.